3 Market Entry Methods: Webinar Video

Did you miss the live trading webinar video? As you know, most traders sit in and watch the signals happen in real-time. So, John Paul goes into the details and answers questions from the audience. Watch the replay below. The webinar, which took place on 22 November 2019, is recent. The presentation begins with a general description of John Paul’s markets.
So, if you missed the live webinar video on Friday morning here is your chance to review the trades taken, the questions and answers are given, and the explanations of the webinar for each trading were over an hour broken down into three parts.
This is provided for Part 1: Order forms, Phantom Orders, Live Market Scalper Orders, Questions, and Responses. While part 2: Phantom orders, Atlas Line Live Trade, Trade Scalper Live Trades, Filtering Trades, Q & A
Want to learn more about how to trade the market? Check out our blog post here: https://daytradetowin.net/2019/11/21/price-action-trading-learn-more-how-to-trade-the-market/